We have traded in the FOUNDRY boutique wardrobes for a few weekends now & have been really enjoying it. This is where we can showcase some of our items of clothing we pre-make especially to the members of the public. Here customers can have a look through the huge range of items/fabrics we use and also give them the option to order clothing that can be personalised through our online system. It's been so nice to get out of our home/office and speak to our customers in person and the feedback we have received has been wonderful.
We have also met some amazing people behind local businesses who I'm lucky enough to now call friends. Please take some time to check out their pages below.
Emily @ https://www.crystallisuk.com/
Joe @ https://studentsofthegame.co.uk/
Jake DJ Vitality https://www.instagram.com/jakeclay_
Gemma @ https://www.facebook.com/GemslilTrinkets/
Jade @ https://www.jadescentique.co.uk/
Vicki @ https://www.vickidisney.art/
Elli @ https://www.facebook.com/EllisEdiblesBakery
Sophia said:
I am so glad you guys have the chance to do this, you deserve so much more recognition than you get and to know people that didn’t know about you got to see the amazing things you make is fantastic ❤️
October 01, 2022